
Debut novel Losing You (bluechrome) available in hardback and paperback.


A Select Edition is published by bluechrome in 2008.



What people are saying about Losing You:

“…an unexpected treat…Losing You is a book that skirts around the unspoken, the almost said, the small hints and signs that surround us. There is the suggestion of an affair, hidden emotions. No one is being completely honest, and that includes the author who has a few tricks up her sleeve towards the end. ” (Scott Pack, Me and My Big Mouth)

“Only after floating out on the lucid clarity of Patricia Debney’s prose do you realise gradually what unsettling depths have opened up beneath you — the ruthlessness of love and loss and need, the distances between us, men and women, and the terribly porous borders of identity. The mystery at the Heart of Losing You is one inside us all, and Patricia Debney leads us there with grace and subtlety.” (Philip Gross)


A collection of short stories, Black Hole and Other Stories, is forthcoming from bluechrome in 2008. Excerpt

Another story, “November”, is online at Tales of the Decongested.