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Shopping all day (one list day down, 90% of it ticked off, yay!), but before we all go underground and lower our metabolic rates, in my inbox this evening — very kindly and efficiently — is the link to an interview I did for Authortrek.

Anyone who’s read the other interviews on this site (see sidebar) might register that pesky Greyhound bus incident, which comes up again here. Of course, slightly disingenuous of me to wonder where it’s come from. Nevertheless, like a visitor to my own life, I think ‘gosh it really must have figured strongly’. Which of course it did.


For X-factor aficionados: have to admit we have Leon Jackson playing in the background. Once Niki was out, we thought Leon all the way, hah! Didn’t vote though….

As in ‘watch out, it’s just going to keep coming!’. I’ve never known if this is a saying unique to my mother, or of the Southern US in general. If anyone has an inkling, do let me know…

There’s good reason to make such a comment this morning, though, because another fine review of Losing You has surfaced, this time from the Authortrek site. Despite blushing from the ‘flavour of the book’ section, I’m of course delighted — here’s most of the review bit, about which I’m blushing too, come to think of it (hence the pink):

This is a truly fantastic first novel from Patricia Debney, which all kicks off when Marilyn’s son Lewis asks “What happens when you die?” The prose and the plotting are very subtle, but also deliciously enticing. It’s not a surprise to discover that Patricia Debney’s short stories have been published in various anthologies, and that she is an award-winning poet…Her characterisation is superb, as Losing You is masterfully split between the narratives of Marilyn and her friend Hilary, along with very convincing portraits of their husbands…So, hats off to Bluechrome for recognising another brilliant writer.


Anyway, glad to see plaudits directed at bluechrome as well. Us authors have been swishing our hats off to the fastest growing publisher in Portishead for some time…


Rachel Sarai’s VineyardAlso through today from Authortrek is a super review of Deborah Rey’s Rachel Sarai’s Vineyard. Which, coincidentally, I’ve so nearly finished myself! I won’t say more yet — but it is thoroughly engrossing.

All this just as Losing You comes out in paperback — and when Rachel Sarai’s Vineyard isn’t even on general release yet.

So watch out.


From January 2010, my new blog is Waving and Drowning


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Who am I?

A writer born in Texas, who grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia (yes, like the song), and who's been living in the UK since 1988. I've published two books (see below), and teach creative writing at the University of Kent. I'm married to a composer, and we have two young children. See About for my full profile.